Sunday, 19 October 2008


If 'Madballs' didn't help convince you that we really did have it fucking sweet in the 80's (For toys and cartoons at least), then get your dim witted gob around these little buggers!  'Boglins' rocked my world when i was a lad, top puppetry toys with a shit hot display box, and they even encouraged you scare the fuck out of people!......not now of course, since 'Marmite' has been banned for being too sweet and 'Conkers' are clearly WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too violent for Britans youth, the poor 'Boglin' has been forced to spend its days living in dark dingy places, like attics and Paris Hiltons cooch....

If you need any more reason to know that i rock......i own 'Drool' (Pictured above).......still in the MEGA condition........yes..........i know......i rock....


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